Journaling prompts designed to help you discover more of who you are, encouraging self reflection and personal growth, helping you connect more deeply with your inner wisdom and shifting you back into alignment with all that you are. Remember, beautiful soul, there are no right or wrong answers. Let your heart guide you and be gentle with yourself as you explore these questions on a deeper level. Your journey of self-discovery is a sacred one. Embrace it with compassion, love and an open heart.
Did you know there are 12 primary Universal Laws that govern the energy that flows through our Universe? Learn more about the Universal Laws and how you can work with them in your life.
Law of Resonance
Law of Love
Law of Creation
Law of Reflection
Law of Grace
Law of Karma
Law of Forgiveness
Law of Compassion
Law of Polarity
Law of Relativity
Law of Vibration
Law of Truth
The teachings of the Universal Laws come from the Master’s Way created by Assended Master Channel In’Easa mabu Ishtar of the Ashram of the One Heart
Did you know the universe guides you through the synchronicities of numbers and each number combination holds its own unique frequency. When you raise your vibration, you become an energetic match and open to receive the messages coming to you!
✨ The Message of 1 ✨
✨ The Message of 2 ✨
✨ The Message of 3 ✨
✨ The Message of 4 ✨
✨ The message of 5 ✨
✨ The message of 6 ✨
✨ The message of 7 ✨
✨ The message of 8 ✨
✨ The message of 9 ✨
✨ The message of 0✨
For a deeper dive into the meaning of Angel Numbers, you can check out the following resource used: Messages in the Numbers by Alana Fairchild
Daily affirmations have a profound ability to shift your reality. Often we focus on what we don’t want, ruminating on all that isn’t right in our lives. By shifting your focus to what you do want and embracing acceptance for all that is, you raise your vibration to match the frequency of that which you desire, creating a new reality in your life.Repeat these affirmations out loud as you visualize the life you desire.
One of the quickest ways to shift your perspective is by focusing on the blessings in your life. Sure it sounds simple but this can also be one of the most challenging things to do when you are struggling, stressed out, or simply having a bad day. By noticing even the smallest ways in which we are abundant, we have the opportunity to see our circumstances from a different point of view. Abundance doesn’t mean just money but all of the many blessings that make our lives full. When we show gratitude for what we already have we create space to attract more to be grateful for!
Use the following prompts to help you shift into a space of GRATITUDE!
What is something in your home that brings you joy?
What is something beautiful that you saw today?
Who is someone you love?
What is something in nature you are grateful for?
What is a memory you are grateful for?
What is something that makes you laugh?
What is something that brings you comfort?
What is the biggest gift in your life right now?
Where is somewhere you like to go?
What is your favorite smell?
Using I AM statements help to make what you are grateful for more personal to you.Describing why helps you to experience the feelings associated with what you are grateful for!
I am grateful for _______________________________ because ________________________________________________________.
Fill in the spaces of this HEART with everything you are grateful for!