Universal Laws

Did you know there are 12 primary Universal Laws that govern the energy that flows through our Universe? Learn more about the Universal Laws and how you can work with them in your life.

Law of Resonance


Law of Resonance #universallaws #lawofattraction #themirror #unresolvedenergy #magnet #spitiualtiktok #lightworker

♬ We Rise Against (Full) – Jonathan Paulsen

Law of Love


Law of Love #universallaws #unconditionallove #spiritualtiktok #lightworker #oneness #lawoflove

♬ original sound – Soul Star Inspired Wellness

Law of Creation


Law of Creation #universallaws #lawofcreation #cocreation #spiritualtiktok #lightworker www.soulstarinspiredwellness.com

♬ original sound – Soul Star Inspired Wellness

Law of Reflection


Law of Reflection #universallaws #universallawsexplained #lawofreflection #reality #spiritualtiktok #spirituality Teachings of I’neasa Mabu Ishtar of the Ashram of the One Heart

♬ Chopin Nocturne No. 2 Piano Mono – moshimo sound design

Law of Grace


The Law of Grace #universallaws #universallawsexplained #lawofgrace #spirituality #spiritualtiktok #lightwork From the teachings of I’neasa Mabu Ishtar of the Ashram of the One Heart

♬ Storytelling – Adriel

Law of Karma


The Law of Karma #karma #lawofkarma #cause #effect #unresolved #resolved #energy #spirituality #spiritualtiktok #universallawsexplained #universallaws From the teaching of I’neasa Mabu Ishtar of the Ashram of the One Heart

♬ Storytelling – Adriel

Law of Forgiveness


Law of Forgiveness #universallaws #universallawsexplained #lawofforgiveness #forgiveness #unconditionallove #spititualtiktok #spirituality #healing From the teachings of In’ Easa Mabu Ishtar of the Ashramnof the One Heart

♬ Storytelling – Adriel

Law of Compassion


Law of Compassion #universallaws #universallawsexplained #lawofcompassion #allisone #spiritualtiktok #onelove #spirituality From the teachings of In’ Easa Mabu Ishtar at the Ashram of the One Heart

♬ Up and Away (v2) – GHOSTLAND

Law of Polarity


Law of Polarity #universallaws #universallawsexplained #lawofpolarity #duality #createyourownreality #cocreator #spirituality #spiritualtiktok #soulstarinspiredwellness From the teachings of In’ Easa Mabu Ishtar at the Ashram of the One Heart

♬ Piano Love – TonsTone

Law of Relativity


Law of Relativity #universallaws #universallawsexplained #lawofrelativity #season #lightintegration #spirituality #spiritualtiktok From the teachings of In’ Easa Mabu Ishtar at the Ashram of the One Heart

♬ Up and Away (v2) – GHOSTLAND

Law of Vibration


Law of Vibration #universallaws #universallawsexplained #lawofvibration #energeticfrequency #energy #spirituality #spiritualtiktok From the teachinngs of In’ Esa Mabu Ishtar of the Ashram of the One Heart

♬ Up and Away (v2) – GHOSTLAND

Law of Truth


Law of Truth #universallaws #universallawsexplained #lawoftruth #divinetruth #spirituality #spiritualtiktok From the teachings of In’ Easa Mabu Ishtar at the Ashram of the one Heart


The teachings of the Universal Laws come from the Master’s Way created by Assended Master Channel In’Easa mabu Ishtar of the Ashram of the One Heart

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