Expansion Of The Heart
What does Expansion of the Heart mean to you? Often times we associate our heart with the ability to love others through kindness, compassion and through loving service. Did you know that your heart is actually the gateway to all that you are? Your heart chakra is one of only three chakras that connect you to all parts of your being across all time, space and dimension. Your heart chakra is the portal to all twelve of your light bodies as well as your sacred crystalline heart temple where you can access the ancient wisdom of the universe and your Divine Presence. It is in this space that you are truly able to shift into alignment with your light.
,Expansion is also the ability to open your heart to receive. To receive love, abundance, joy and all that the Divine has to offer for your highest potential. Within our being we hold the twin flame consciousness of the Divine Masculine, action, and the Divine Feminine, receiving. Yet, so often we find that the experiences of our life cause us to close our heart. Our pain and trauma’s, unresolved karma, programs and limiting beliefs telling us that we are not worthy of receiving our heart’s desires. Not worthy of being loved. It this ultimately true? Is it ultimately true that you are not worthy of being loved? No. You are a Divine being of the universe. You are made of Divine light and unconditional love. You have the power to open the petals of your heart to allow love in. To allow yourself to be loved and to open your heart to receive. Let go of the stories that keep your heart closed and stuck in the cycles of your judgements, expectations and pain. Open your heart to the expansiveness of all that you are and all that is. Surrender to the Divine and simply receive.
You are so worthy.
You are so loved.
You are DIVINE.
February 6, 2023 | Heather Harti, Soul Star Inspired Wellness