Divine Blessing of Light and Love Monthly Subscription

Subscribe to receive Divine blessings of light and love from the Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters and your Divine Presence on the 1st of each month to deeply infuse your entire being with the highest dispensations of divine light and unconditional love, clear unbalanced energy from your energetic bodies, raise your vibrational frequency, shifting you closer to alignment with your Divine Presence and the One Heart of all that is.

Divine Blessing of Light and Love Monthly Subscription deeply infuses your entire being with the highest dispensations of divine light and unconditional love, clears unbalanced energy from your energetic bodies, raises your vibrational frequency, shifting you closer to alignment with your Divine Presence and the One Heart of all that is.

When you subscribe for this blessing, your name will be placed into the sacred healing box which will be blessed on the 1st of each month.  Working with the Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters of the Light, Mother Gaia and your Divine Presence, the sacred healing box will be placed in a high vibrational crystal grid and infused with sound vibration, panic energy, divine light and unconditional love, transmitted from our sacred healing space to you where ever you are.  Each blessing is unique and consecrated to ensure that all you receive is in divine order for your highest good.

At the time of the blessing, Heather Harti will open and anchor her pillar of Divine light, blending with her Divine Presence entering into a deeply meditative state and connecting with a team of Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters of the Light, and Mother Gaia as well as your Divine Presence, spiritual guides, and those of all brothers and sisters enrolled in this subscription.  The blessing will then be activated and the energies transmitted to you, received by your soul and energy bodies.  The energies of the blessing will continue to be received for up to 3 days following the blessing ceremony.

You do not need to be present in order to receive the benefits of this blessing.  By simply setting the intention and opening your heart, you allow a powerful connection for the energies offered to you to be received.  If you would like to enhance your experience, you may choose to spend time in quiet meditation as the blessing ceremony occurs on the first of each month between 10 am – 11 am pst however this is not necessary as you will receive all in alignment for your highest good at your most receptive time.  After each blessing you will receive an email sharing the experience and any messages that may come through.

The Divine Blessing of Light and Love Monthly Subscription is offered to you through unconditional love.  Donations are accepted but not required in order to receive.  Please contact us should you have any questions and may you receive all that you need with ease, grace and love.



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