The Path to Acceptance
Have you ever notice that the pieces your soul is ready to work on are the ones that end up right in your face to the point there is no way you can ignore or avoid them? This is exactly how acceptance became the focal point of my personal journey the last two months. I’ve been working on loving myself more the last few years but aparently I needed to go deeper still as this now became my homework for a class I’m taking. Not only the acceptance of what is but the acceptance of others and most importantly, the acceptance of myself. I would say love to say it was easy but what this work has revealed to me is my incredible struggle to truly accept myself.
I prefer to focus on others. To be of service, helping people to see how beautiful they are, how worthy and deserving and capable and amazing they are. To see the way their light shines and brightens the world around them. To help them realize their dreams and then overcome their fears to chase them with courage, knowing that everything is possible for them. To remember who they are. Yet, I struggle to see these same pieces within myself. To see the myself the way others see me. To truly accept myself.
For so much of my life, I have experienced rejection and abandonment from the world around me. I know this is a massive piece of karma I am meant to overcome in this lifetime because let me tell you I will be pissed if I have to come back and go through this shit again. How do you accept yourself when you are rejected by others? The insane amount of pain I have experienced through feeling unworthy, unlovable, unwanted, and a total burden has left me believing something is wrong with me, that if I could just figure out what it is, I could fix it and maybe be accepted and love for who I am. No matter how much I tried to love myself, I continued to be misunderstood, discarded, and left behind.
So when I was asked to connect with my angelic higher self 5 days a week for 4 weeks, it came as no surprise that the answers always came back to me and the acceptance of myself. How may I accept others more? Accept myself. How may I serve the Divine light on earth? Accept myself. How may I connect more deeply with my Divine Presence? Accept myself. And how exactly am I supposed to do that? How do I accept myself? The wisdom she shared was simple yet profound.
“There is no need for judgement. You are made from love. Made in the image of source. An extension of source here on earth. An expression of source unfolding in each moment. No beginning. No end. Simply creation unfolding before you. We ask that you do not judge yourself as you would not judge the flowers as they bloom. A crow who’s beak may be shortened. Nor a small child imperfect in the eye of man yet perfect in the eye of creation. Each creation upon the earth is unique and all creation holds purpose. Divine purpose in accordance to the flow of the divine plan. So we ask you Dearest one not to judge your own imperfections. To see the beauty in all aspects of your being. In the way that you feel your emotions. In the way that your beautiful mind connects deeply with your experience. In the ways that you stumble and the ways that you rise. Let go the expectations you hold for yourself for we hold not expectation. Each step that you take forward upon your journey is the creation of God source in you. The unfolding of the beautiful plan that you are. In the light of your essence you are perfection. The simple vibration of all that is. No judgements. We ask you dearest one to open your heart to all that you are for you are one with all that is. As you feel your mind begin to judge the parts of yourself, open your heart to love and you will know the full perfection of the truth. Accept the path that you walk that is always unfolding just as it is meant to and in this now will be able to accept all parts of your being. Let go. Let go of the expectation of humanity and open your heart to love. Namaste”
Message after message always coming back to trust, to letting go, to seeing the beauty of all that I am, to seeking the divine light within me, to opening my heart to the essence of love, and most of to no longer hold myself in judgement. As this journey unfolded, each message returning to the open heart of love. The I am loved and I am made from love. No matter what I do, no matter what anyone else thinks of me, no matter how many times I stumble and fall. I am always held and supported in unconditional love.
Unconditional love is not a feeling but a state of being. A state of acceptance for what is without attachment, without judgement, without expectation. To be in a state of acceptance is to first acknowledge what is, accept what is, and embrace what is. I know I am not alone on the journey of acceptance, I see it reflected in the hearts of humanity all around me. So it is with courage that I continue to meet and accept all parts of my being with an open heart. Not only my shadows but also my light. Because I know now that when I truly accept and love myself without judgement and without expectation, I can fearlessly be all that I am and allow others to do the same. That is the pure essence of being unconditional love upon the earth and how I can shine in service to the light.
September 5, 2024 | Heather Harti, Soul Star Inspired Wellness