From the Heart Blog

Divine Timing

As a recovering control freak I love order, structure, well crafted plans, knowing what to expect and how things will unfold. For years I have been needing to return to Wisconsin to deal with the house I walked away from when I moved back to California and this task has weighed so heavily on my mind creating stress and anxiety, not knowing how I was going to make this happen, when to do it and who was going to help me. I was massively overwhelmed, but the thing is it never fell into place until it was supposed to and I had to finally let go of allowing it to burden my mind and surrendered to divine timing. Little did I know how everything would come together exactly how it was supposed to.

Earlier this year I met my friend Damien. I always wonder why people are brought into my life because I’m not an easy person to gain access to. I tend to fiercely protect my energy, my space and my peace so of course I knew there was a divine reason at play. Over the last 7 months we’ve gotten to be really good friends, helping each other through the things life throws our way. One day, I casually mentioned needing help going back to Wisconsin and just like that the divine plan began to unfold. He had an opportunity in his schedule to go, the unseasonable weather was in our favor, and we made the plan to hit the road and do the thing.

Now here is where divine timing really begins. As we prepared to leave, our departure date kept getting pushed back. My inner control freak was spazing out but I knew deep within me that there had to be a reason. On the second day of our trip, we decided to take a little 20 min detour to Kings Beach at Lake Tahoe and while we were there made a last minute decision to stop by a skate shop and this is where we met Lisa at Lady Luck. As the conversations began to unfold, Lisa and I found common ground in energy work, spirituality, and so many other small yet significant similarities in who we are and what we have experieinced. To say this meeting felt meant to be is an understatement. Lisa shared her story, her passions and her dreams, allowing us a glimpse of her beautiful heart and the callings of her soul. In turn, I was able to share with her the knowing deep within my own being that she will absolutely see her dreams manifest into fruition beyond what she could ever imagine. What she is creating is going to have a ripple effect that will have a positive impact on the lives of so many people for years to come.

You guys, this meeting was destined to happen. I can’t even make this shit up. Lisa only works one day a week. If we had left even one day earlier or later, we wouldn’t have met her. If I had gone to Wisconsin at any other moment in time before this, I wouldn’t have been traveling with Damien who was the whole reason we stopped in Lake Tahoe and went into the shop for a skateboard. When I say that the divine always has a greater plan in store, I mean it. This is why I accept when things don’t go perfectly as planned. This is why I trust when deours happen. This is why I choose to surrender in each moment. This is why I trust the divine plan. Everything and I mean EVERYTHING always happens exactly how and when it is meant to and that my friend is the beauty and magic of divine timing.

November 7, 2024 | Heather Harti, Soul Star Inspired Wellness

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Divine Connection

Leading up to my spiritual awakening, I had been finding myself isolating more and avoiding the relationships I held so close to my heart. I thought maybe I was just being weird and awkward but something in me just couldn’t connect in the way that had always been so natural to me. I was withdrawing into myself more and more every day and getting sick was the knife that completely severed what little connection I had left, leaving me unable to work, socialize, or even function. Not only was I pulling away but I became hyper aware of the disconnect most people feel when someone is experiencing long term suffering. I can’t tell you how many times I would speak candidly about what I was going through just to see the sad look of feeling sorry for me mixed with get me the fuck out of here on someones face. I get it. Our society is more designed for immediate response heroism and less for long term compassion. We want to help fix the problem right away and aren’t really taught how to hold space when the problem persists without a solution to make it better.

When the pandemic hit, I was further isolated when I moved back to California and into a little cabin tucked away in the mountains. I was 45 minutes from town and the closest neighbor was a 5 minute drive away, not that it mattered with the first wave of shelter in place in full force. Over the next 4 years, I watched as friendships fell apart, my relationship crumble, and my already small world get even smaller. The deeper I went into my spiritual journey, the more I was being called inward. I was being asked to meet the darkest parts of my being. To come face to face with everything I fought so desperately to escape. My world was falling apart so that I could come home to the Divine truth of my being. To discover my divinity and connect with the Divine so intimately that my entire existence became one with the path I now walk. The way in which I was called to live and be of service to the light and to humanity. To become one with all that I am and all that is.

As the time has come to emerge from my cocoon of transformation, it is strange relearning how to navigate my external environment. I had become so accustomed to endless amounts of time and space to be in connection with myself and the Divine that I’m finding it hard to find balance as I create new friendships and interact with the world again. On one hand, it is so fulfilling to share space with others, to laugh, to create, to get out and do things again. I didn’t realize how much I had missed being apart of a humanity. Yet as I find myself desiring this time and connection more and more, I am struggling to feel my connection with the divine. I went from having nothing to do to having so much going on. I went from being hyper focused on my healing to being focused on the enjoyment of my experiences. I know that I am a spiritual being having a human experience but I’ve forgotten how to be both at the same time. This feeling of disconnection has become glaring over the last few weeks as I stumble around trying to find my way forward. How can I find balance between the physical and spiritual world? How can I bring my divinity forward into my humanity? How can I allow the divine light to shine through me in all that I do? How do I blend my internal and external worlds into one beautiful and cohesive experience?

As I gently navigate my way forward, I hold love and compassion for each step I take. This discomfort is but one more opportunity to allow the light to illuminate the parts of myself that are asking to be embraced. An opportunity to learn and to grow into the wholeness of who I am now, who I have always been destined to be. I have to remind myself that it takes time to integrate and become. That every new beginning starts with taking the first step forward. That the feelings of separation and disconnection are simply an illusion. That I am always supported and held in love by the Divine. That I am never a part from the divine with in me. That in time, the full expression of all that I am will become a natural part of my authentic being out in the world just as it has within me. That my connection with the divine will only become stronger as I surrender and allow the unfolding of the journey ahead. There is no end to the path we walk for our soul is here for expansion. Expansion that occurs in each moment through our challenges, our enjoyments, and our experiences here on earth. It is in the continual remembrance of all that we are that we allow the the light to guide us each step of the way. We are never apart from the divine light of source. We ARE the expression of the Divine light in each moment, in all that we do and all that we are.

October 3, 2024 | Heather Harti, Soul Star Inspired Wellness

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The Path to Acceptance

Have you ever notice that the pieces your soul is ready to work on are the ones that end up right in your face to the point there is no way you can ignore or avoid them? This is exactly how acceptance became the focal point of my personal journey the last two months. I’ve been working on loving myself more the last few years but aparently I needed to go deeper still as this now became my homework for a class I’m taking. Not only the acceptance of what is but the acceptance of others and most importantly, the acceptance of myself. I would say love to say it was easy but what this work has revealed to me is my incredible struggle to truly accept myself.

I prefer to focus on others. To be of service, helping people to see how beautiful they are, how worthy and deserving and capable and amazing they are. To see the way their light shines and brightens the world around them. To help them realize their dreams and then overcome their fears to chase them with courage, knowing that everything is possible for them. To remember who they are. Yet, I struggle to see these same pieces within myself. To see the myself the way others see me. To truly accept myself.

For so much of my life, I have experienced rejection and abandonment from the world around me. I know this is a massive piece of karma I am meant to overcome in this lifetime because let me tell you I will be pissed if I have to come back and go through this shit again. How do you accept yourself when you are rejected by others? The insane amount of pain I have experienced through feeling unworthy, unlovable, unwanted, and a total burden has left me believing something is wrong with me, that if I could just figure out what it is, I could fix it and maybe be accepted and love for who I am. No matter how much I tried to love myself, I continued to be misunderstood, discarded, and left behind.

So when I was asked to connect with my angelic higher self 5 days a week for 4 weeks, it came as no surprise that the answers always came back to me and the acceptance of myself. How may I accept others more? Accept myself. How may I serve the Divine light on earth? Accept myself. How may I connect more deeply with my Divine Presence? Accept myself. And how exactly am I supposed to do that? How do I accept myself? The wisdom she shared was simple yet profound.

“There is no need for judgement. You are made from love. Made in the image of source. An extension of source here on earth. An expression of source unfolding in each moment. No beginning. No end. Simply creation unfolding before you. We ask that you do not judge yourself as you would not judge the flowers as they bloom. A crow who’s beak may be shortened. Nor a small child imperfect in the eye of man yet perfect in the eye of creation. Each creation upon the earth is unique and all creation holds purpose. Divine purpose in accordance to the flow of the divine plan. So we ask you Dearest one not to judge your own imperfections. To see the beauty in all aspects of your being. In the way that you feel your emotions. In the way that your beautiful mind connects deeply with your experience. In the ways that you stumble and the ways that you rise. Let go the expectations you hold for yourself for we hold not expectation. Each step that you take forward upon your journey is the creation of God source in you. The unfolding of the beautiful plan that you are. In the light of your essence you are perfection. The simple vibration of all that is. No judgements. We ask you dearest one to open your heart to all that you are for you are one with all that is. As you feel your mind begin to judge the parts of yourself, open your heart to love and you will know the full perfection of the truth. Accept the path that you walk that is always unfolding just as it is meant to and in this now will be able to accept all parts of your being. Let go. Let go of the expectation of humanity and open your heart to love. Namaste”

Message after message always coming back to trust, to letting go, to seeing the beauty of all that I am, to seeking the divine light within me, to opening my heart to the essence of love, and most of to no longer hold myself in judgement. As this journey unfolded, each message returning to the open heart of love. The I am loved and I am made from love. No matter what I do, no matter what anyone else thinks of me, no matter how many times I stumble and fall. I am always held and supported in unconditional love.

Unconditional love is not a feeling but a state of being. A state of acceptance for what is without attachment, without judgement, without expectation. To be in a state of acceptance is to first acknowledge what is, accept what is, and embrace what is. I know I am not alone on the journey of acceptance, I see it reflected in the hearts of humanity all around me. So it is with courage that I continue to meet and accept all parts of my being with an open heart. Not only my shadows but also my light. Because I know now that when I truly accept and love myself without judgement and without expectation, I can fearlessly be all that I am and allow others to do the same. That is the pure essence of being unconditional love upon the earth and how I can shine in service to the light.

September 5, 2024 | Heather Harti, Soul Star Inspired Wellness

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Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway

What if everything you have ever wanted is just on the other side of your fear?  What if all that you desire is desiring you too?  What if the fear you feel is more than just a burden holding you back but a precious gift to help you break free?

For decades I have been crafting my dream life inside of my inner world.  The house I have built has undergone a few renovations over time just as it would in the physical realm as I evolve and change.  I have spent hours in my reading nook, crafting and creating in my artist loft, enjoying meals in the sunroom oasis just off my kitchen, walking with my dogs and cats along the winding trails of my property, and flinging myself onto the fluffiest white bedding in my master suite too many times to count.  I have almost every detail accounted for except for one.  When I open my eyes, my dream life doesn’t exist in my physical reality and if I’m honest, I’m a little offended it hasn’t come together yet.  

For a long time I allowed this misalignment to depress me, to create doubt and hopelessness that it will never happen.  Believing that what I want is only available to me in the depths of my imagination.  I have watched other people living the life I desire and finding myself asking the universe over and over again why.  Why hasn’t this happened for me yet?  Why is this not working out for me? What am I doing wrong?  Why can’t I get there?  What’s wrong with me?  Failing to see all the ways I have allowed fear to direct my choices and the belief in myself to turn my dreams into my reality.  I am the reason my dreams are still waiting for me.  It’s taken a long time to see that and even longer to admit out loud but it’s true.  I have allowed my fear to keep me stuck in place and living a very small life.

I decided a long time ago that when the day comes and I find myself in the last moments before my death, I don’t want to look back on my life and regret not living it to the fullest.  That I would rather regret trying and failing than to regret a missed opportunity.  It is because of this decision that I have accomplished and done some of the most extraordinary things in my life, each experience coming down to that pivatol moment where I felt all the fear but did it anyway.  Taking a massive leap into the unknown and trusting that it was going to work out.  And looking back?  Everything has always worked out and many times better than I ever could have imagined.  

So here I stand at yet another point in my life where the fear of not accomplishing my dreams is more terrifying than my fear to try.  It takes an insane amount of courage to get out of my own way but I know this is what needs to happen if I want to experience my inner world in my physical reality.  I know that everything is possible for me in this lifetime.  We are co-creator beings, here on earth to co-create with the Divine.  We have so much power to alchemize the endless energy available to us and mold it into physical matter.  We are the sculptures of our lives, given the freedom to create whatever we want and all of the tools and supplies we need to make it happen.  We simply have to believe it’s possible because it is.  So I stand here choosing to embrace my fear with unconditional love, allowing it to illuminate what I hold within me that is asking to be healed, and letting the limitations of my fears and beliefs to be released so that I can step confidently forward knowing that I am becoming a vibrational match for the person I know that I am, living the life that I know is waiting for me.

August 5, 2024 | Heather Harti, Soul Star Inspired Wellness

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Awakening to You

Have you ever felt trapped inside of your life? Feeling hopeless, not knowing where to go or what to do yet desperately wanting it to get better? This has been a place I’ve found myself in many times throughout my life. I think Peggy Lee’s morbidly campy song “Is That All There Is?” sang true to both the sentiments of my desperations and my desires.

I have lived an extraordinary life. I have experienced things many never will, making unorthodoxed choices that went against the grain of the expectations of my upbringing. So many times the shame of disappointing my amazing, supportive and loving parents clouded the unweilding need to be a gypsy. To be free. Not all of my choices have led to incredible outcomes. In fact many of them created trauma, deep suffering and repercusions that will affect me for the rest of my life. 

When I made the choice to walk a path of enlightment, I had found myself caught in a web of disappointment, desperation, hopelessness and fear. No matter what I did or how hard I tried, nothing ever worked out for me. I was miserable and on a treadmill going nowhere. I remember thinking to myself, is this it? It this my life? Is that all there is? Yet, in all of the swarming darkness there has always been the softest whisper of hope. A knowing of something greater. That there was something big I was supposed to do. Some purpose for my soul being here on earth. I didn’t know what. I didn’t know how. But that soft little whisper kept me alive. It kept me going even when I couldn’t imagine hanging on even one more day. I remember crying as I looked to the sky, telling God that I was done trying. That I was willing to surrender. What ever grand purpose or plan I was here for, I was handing over the reigns. Many years later, I am still intentionally choosing to let go and surrender every single day.

This journey has not been easy. I had no idea how dark and painful this path would be. Every part of my being had to be deconstructed in order to become who I truly am. I wanted so desperately to escape the darkness yet I was being asked to willingly trust fall right into it. Like the aftermath of the most epic battle since the War with Hybern in A Court of Wings and Ruin, every single aspect of my life has crumbled to pieces since that day. I had to face my fears head on, to sit with the discomfort of my own darkness. I questioned everything I thought I knew about myself. I had to accept parts of myself that brought me so much shame and disappointment. But with each piece I was brave enough to hold, I began to discover my light. My authentic self waiting to shine. That whisper of hope who had waited decades to be free. 

Through my willingness to lean into the discomfort, I learned to embrace my shadows, to love the parts of myself I had been at war with. I discovered that my imperfections made me beautiful and unique. I found my worth. I learned how to love myself and I as I began to accept all parts of who I am, something magical happened. My inner light grew brighter. I began to embrace my gifts and to stand empowered in the authenticity of all that I am. This transformation has rippled out into every aspect of my life. I have found a sense of inner peace and purpose I had never known before. As I sit here today, I have a greater acceptance of the divine plan knowing this is the journey of my soul unfolding in each moment. Do I still struggle? Of course I do! But I am able to understand the deeper meanings of my challenges and know that each step I take is a step forward. That through acceptance and love, I am healing, growing and becoming exactly who I am meant to be and I would do it all again to be exactly where I am today. Shining my light and bringing love, hope and healing to the world around me. 

July 3, 2024 | Heather Harti, Soul Star Inspired Wellness

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Use This Opportunity to Create Your Life

I have an incredibly expanded point of view when it comes to life.  I see the bigger picture, I see the whole as one, I understand the cosmic spider web as my dear friend Lauren so magically refers to the way in which all is connected.  Yet nothing hones my focus faster than abrupt disruption and chaos to my sense of safety and security.  Not just the threat of physical harm but also the more subtle core shaking experiences like the sudden loss of a loved one, unexpectedly being evicted with no where to go, the crumbling of a long term friendship or relationship that meets the final point of no return, facing major financial instability, having your safest spaces violated and dismantled, enduring harassment, intimidation and fear tactics directed at you…and all the fear, sadness, desperation, hopelessness and anger that arises from the shadows to greet you with the pain and discomfort they hold.  

How do you choose to face this opportunity?  Do you allow this experience to validate your limiting beliefs as you drown in the overwhelm or do you choose to allow this experience to create space for you to let go of what is no longer serving you so that you can heal and grow and expand into even more of your authentic self.  

The Law of Polarity teaches us that in the physical dimension all energy has a polarized or opposite vibration often referred to as duality yet all energy in this universe is created from the one source.  The Law of Polarity teaches you that an opposing force or different vibration of energy is just another end of the same energy wave.  For example sad vs happy, angry vs peaceful, rich vs poor, love vs hate and so on.  These energies represent both sides of the same coin in your awareness of duality yet they are made from the same source energy.  It is simply how you perceive this energy in each moment that creates your reality because you are a co-creator being, you have free will in the physical reality and have the ability to choose what vibration of energy you use to create your manifestations through your intention and focus.  The Law of Polarity reminds you that whatever you focus on will be what you create in your reality. Free will allows you to choose what you wish to bring into your reality so it’s important to choose wisely.

So when the chaos and disruptions shake your foundations, remember that this experience is an opportunity to create something new.  When fear overwhelms you, remember that excitement and fear come from the same energy and you get to choose which vibration you allow yourself to embody.  Embrace the fear that arises with compassion and love then allow it to flow and transform into the excitement of endless possibilities. 

What is this experience teaching you about yourself?

What if this is happening for you? 

What if all you desire is but one trust fall away? 

What if life is getting dismantled because this version of your experience is no longer serving you and this is clearing the way for something new to begin? 

Believe in all that you are.  Believe you are divinely protected, supported and loved.  You already have everything you need to withstand the storms within and around you.  Surrender and allow yourself to be transformed.  Choose to be excited about what is coming even when all you see is darkness.  Remember, the shadow can not exist without the light.  You are here for a divine purpose.  Trust the divine plan of your being.  Be the light of all that you are and allow your new life to begin 💖

March 23, 2024 | Heather Harti, Soul Star Inspired Wellness

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The Way of Love

Reflecting back, I see now what an expansive year I had working with love.  I don’t think I really understood the way this lesson flowed through so many of my experiences, even when I was consciously aware it was the focal point of what I was currently working through.  Selfless love and sacrifice for another, the pain of losing the greatest love I’ve ever experienced, unrequited love, recognizing the patterns of distorted love in my life, learning how to hold myself in love on an even deeper level, allowing my heart to open and receive unconditional love from others, and falling even more deeply in love with all that I am.

Unconditional love asks us to accept all for what it is without judgement or expectation however the human experiences attaches a diverse range of emotions to the concept of love causing us to fear love, desperately long for love, or to feel unworthy of love in any form.  How can we move through our experiences in a way that uncovers the truth?  How can we open our hearts to allow love in when it causes discomfort and pain?  It is in having the courage to face these shadow aspects of unresolved energy, leaning into the heartache and limiting beliefs, and allowing compassion and grace to lead the way.

Like the spiral of life, I too continue to work through this journey of love.  We are made from the essence of love and when we remember the heartbeat of all that we are, we begin to see the gifts that love provides.  As I work to face the parts of myself still in the shadows I pause to ask, how can I love myself in this moment?  How can I support the way of love?  It is in the choices we make in each moment that create the opportunity to love, to be loving, to love ourselves and to share our love with others.  It is in honoring love that we open our hearts to receive and to remember who we are.  To be the light that shines brightly. To be the hope and the love we so desperately seek.  Coming home to our hearts and the essence of love that we are. It begins within.

February 7, 2024 | Heather Harti, Soul Star Inspired Wellness

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Meeting Yourself With Love

I read a quote this morning that resonated deeply with where I have found myself the last few months.

Be gentle as you are meeting the parts of yourself you have been at war with

The last 2 ½ months have called me to turn deeply inward, completely removing myself from my work, my relationships and my life.  I didn’t think there could be an ever greater level of isolation possible but when your soul is ready for profound transformation, nothing is off the table.  

Profound transformation.  Like pandora’s box, the shadows so neatly suppressed in the dark caverns of my being demanded to be free, to be held, to be loved.  To say the overwhelming intensity of their presence was challenging is the greatest understatement of the century.  I couldn’t ignore them any longer.  It was time and even though I didn’t feel like it at all, I was ready.

There is a certain level of bravery that comes with doing this work.  Sitting with myself and my darkness has often times been harder than some of my most painful experiences. 

How do you hold yourself in love when you are overwhelmed with shame? 

How do you hold compassion for yourself when the weight of disappointment brings you to your knees? 

How do you embrace all that you are when you are mourning the person you once were? 

How do you know you are loved and supported when you feel so alone? 

How do you have hope when you can’t see the light?

The shadow can not exist with out the light.

Piece by piece I choose to embrace my shadows.  Leaning into the discomfort of what they bring.  Allowing myself to feel the pain, confusion, anger, sadness and defeat.  Working through them one at a time, peeling back the layers to discover what is asking to be healed.  What limiting beliefs I hold that are not in alignment with Divine truth and working with them to shift my perspective.  Offering forgiveness to not only myself but others for the pain and trauma I have endured.  Allowing myself to see the painful truth of my experiences, no longer gaslighting myself into believing my perceptions aren’t real.  Learning to trust my intuition again.  Accepting when I have been wrong or behaved from a place of ego, pain or distortion.  Remembering that I am still Divine even when I am not perfect.  Discovering who I am today and allowing who I was to be honored and released.  It is from this place of acceptance and embrace that I emerge with the strength to move forward with an open heart.  It is from this space that I fully surrender to the Divine, filled with hope for what’s to come, gratitude for the abundance in my life and unconditional love for all that meets me along the way.

By shining my light and holding compassion for myself, I am able to meet myself with love.

January 11, 2024 | Heather Harti, Soul Star Inspired Wellness

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Honoring All That You Are

Looking back at this past year, I am humbled by the tremendous weight of my experiences both painful and expansive.  Around every corner I faced yet another soul expanding opportunity for growth, acceptance, discovery and surrender.  As we move through our journey here on earth it is so easy to get caught up in the motion of life, forgetting the greater scope and deeper meaning to all we encounter.  When we shift our focus inward we begin to discover who we truly are.  What brings us joy and what triggers our pain.  As we identify and begin to break down the cycles and facade of what once was we often find ourselves in this voidal space.  Stillness in the silence, ever present in the moment not knowing what’s to come but knowing in your heart that all is in order with the Divine plan.   

As this chapter comes to a close, I am in gratitude for the opportunity to look back at my experiences and honor the journey I have taken.  Honor the me I discovered along the way and choosing to embrace the shadows and the light.  I acknowledged and accepted a lot of really uncomfortable parts of myself but I also fell in love even more deeply with who I am.  I am learning how to open my heart to receive the blessings and abundance the universe always brings into my life, choosing to let go of my fears and judgements and surrender fully.  It’s not easy, I am a recovering perfectionist who likes to be prepared, but I am choosing me.   I am choosing to honor all that I am.   

What have you discovered about yourself over the last year? 

What are you choosing to embrace and what are you choosing to release as you step into the new year? 

How do you want to show up in the world and what do you desire to call into your experience moving forward? 

As you honor this chapter of your life and turn your gaze to the future, now is the perfect time to reflect on all you have experienced, what you have learned, how you have grown and all you have accomplished while identifying the life you want to create.

December 31, 2023 | Heather Harti, Soul Star Inspired Wellness

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Choose To Be The Witness

Have you ever stopped to notice the way you view the world around you? Not just the obvious, in your face emotion inducing reactions but the subtle opinions you hold that speak quietly in your mind, so entrenched in your beliefs that you barley notice them flash through your consciousness. The judgements you not only hold around others but the judgements you hold about yourself.

What defines good or bad, right or wrong? For each person that defined spectrum varies based on cultural and societal programs, religious beliefs, family upbringing, life experiences, unresolved karma and more. But are those definitions ultimately true?

Unconditional love is the acceptance of all for what it is without judgement or expectation. An observation of what is.

What we judge in others is often a judgement we hold about ourself. When we shift into observation, we have the opportunity to see the divine plan in motion, zooming out to see each being, including ourself, as the divine expression of Gods light within the human experience. In the heart of source there is no good, bad, right or wrong, it simply is. We are in co-creation with the Divine having this experience in the third dimensional realm. Step back in wonder to see the magic unfolding around you in each moment. Let go and allow. Become the observer and surrender to love.

September 6, 2023 | Heather Harti, Soul Star Inspired Wellness

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