Divine Timing
As a recovering control freak I love order, structure, well crafted plans, knowing what to expect and how things will unfold. For years I have been needing to return to Wisconsin to deal with the house I walked away from when I moved back to California and this task has weighed so heavily on my mind creating stress and anxiety, not knowing how I was going to make this happen, when to do it and who was going to help me. I was massively overwhelmed, but the thing is it never fell into place until it was supposed to and I had to finally let go of allowing it to burden my mind and surrendered to divine timing. Little did I know how everything would come together exactly how it was supposed to.
Earlier this year I met my friend Damien. I always wonder why people are brought into my life because I’m not an easy person to gain access to. I tend to fiercely protect my energy, my space and my peace so of course I knew there was a divine reason at play. Over the last 7 months we’ve gotten to be really good friends, helping each other through the things life throws our way. One day, I casually mentioned needing help going back to Wisconsin and just like that the divine plan began to unfold. He had an opportunity in his schedule to go, the unseasonable weather was in our favor, and we made the plan to hit the road and do the thing.
Now here is where divine timing really begins. As we prepared to leave, our departure date kept getting pushed back. My inner control freak was spazing out but I knew deep within me that there had to be a reason. On the second day of our trip, we decided to take a little 20 min detour to Kings Beach at Lake Tahoe and while we were there made a last minute decision to stop by a skate shop and this is where we met Lisa at Lady Luck. As the conversations began to unfold, Lisa and I found common ground in energy work, spirituality, and so many other small yet significant similarities in who we are and what we have experieinced. To say this meeting felt meant to be is an understatement. Lisa shared her story, her passions and her dreams, allowing us a glimpse of her beautiful heart and the callings of her soul. In turn, I was able to share with her the knowing deep within my own being that she will absolutely see her dreams manifest into fruition beyond what she could ever imagine. What she is creating is going to have a ripple effect that will have a positive impact on the lives of so many people for years to come.
You guys, this meeting was destined to happen. I can’t even make this shit up. Lisa only works one day a week. If we had left even one day earlier or later, we wouldn’t have met her. If I had gone to Wisconsin at any other moment in time before this, I wouldn’t have been traveling with Damien who was the whole reason we stopped in Lake Tahoe and went into the shop for a skateboard. When I say that the divine always has a greater plan in store, I mean it. This is why I accept when things don’t go perfectly as planned. This is why I trust when deours happen. This is why I choose to surrender in each moment. This is why I trust the divine plan. Everything and I mean EVERYTHING always happens exactly how and when it is meant to and that my friend is the beauty and magic of divine timing.
November 7, 2024 | Heather Harti, Soul Star Inspired Wellness