From the Heart Blog

Choose To Be The Witness

Have you ever stopped to notice the way you view the world around you? Not just the obvious, in your face emotion inducing reactions but the subtle opinions you hold that speak quietly in your mind, so entrenched in your beliefs that you barley notice them flash through your consciousness. The judgements you not only hold around others but the judgements you hold about yourself.

What defines good or bad, right or wrong? For each person that defined spectrum varies based on cultural and societal programs, religious beliefs, family upbringing, life experiences, unresolved karma and more. But are those definitions ultimately true?

Unconditional love is the acceptance of all for what it is without judgement or expectation. An observation of what is.

What we judge in others is often a judgement we hold about ourself. When we shift into observation, we have the opportunity to see the divine plan in motion, zooming out to see each being, including ourself, as the divine expression of Gods light within the human experience. In the heart of source there is no good, bad, right or wrong, it simply is. We are in co-creation with the Divine having this experience in the third dimensional realm. Step back in wonder to see the magic unfolding around you in each moment. Let go and allow. Become the observer and surrender to love.

September 6, 2023 | Heather Harti, Soul Star Inspired Wellness

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What Are You Choosing To Create?

I was having a discussion with a friend recently about how powerful our thoughts and beliefs are in creating our reality. The Law of Resonance reminds us that like attracts like and when we become a vibrational match to a person, place, experience, idea or belief, we become a magnet pulling it in.

How often do you stop to observe your thoughts and beliefs? Sometimes these are so deeply seated in our being we don’t even realize the ways in which they surface. Look at what is happening outside of you and you will begin to see the energy you hold within you.

Manifestation attempts not working?

What limiting beliefs do you hold around what you are calling in?

Noticing a pattern of partners and friends that seem to trigger the same feelings within you?

What limiting beliefs are they supporting that you hold about yourself?

Are you cycling the same experiences from the past through your thoughts and stories?

Where have you created a limiting belief around your experience and how can you let go to let healing in?

How do you speak to yourself about yourself? How do you speak about others?

Where are you holding judgement and what limiting belief is restricting you from opening to love?

Become the observer of your thoughts and beliefs. Notice what is being attracted into your life and discover the unresolved energy you hold that is creating your current reality. Be gentle. Be open to seeing things differently. Allow your heart to soften and heal. You have the power to create anything you want in your life. Begin Within.

August 30, 2023 | Heather Harti, Soul Star Inspired Wellness

What Are You Choosing To Create? Read More »

If It’s Meant To Be, It Will Find A Way

Trusting the Divine plan can be one of the hardest parts of our journey. How many times have you asked or even begged for your hearts desires only to be faced with silence? I can honestly say I have repeatedly crashed into this brick wall time and time again, turning to the Divine in anger and frustration then ultimately succumbing to the limiting beliefs I hold that I’m not good enough, I’m not worthy, I’m a failure, what’s the point of trying.

What if I am being asked to pause. What if I am not seeing what’s happening beneath the surface. What if all of my perceived failures are actually building the foundation of what IS coming. What if I am being redirected to something better. What if this is an opportunity to heal. What if I let go of expectation. What if I stop trying to control the outcome and simply choose to surrender to the Divine plan.

What is meant for you will always find a way. There is nothing you can do to stop what is divinely planned for you and there is nothing you can do to make something happen that is not. Trust that you are here for a reason. Trust that you are held and supported each step of the way. Trust that all is unfolding for your highest potential. Let go of control. Let go of the disappointment. Let go of your own timeline and trust the timing of the Divine. You are made from love and love will guide each step of the way. Follow your heart being present in each moment and when you choose to live authentically in alignment with all that you are and all that is, you will see the magic of the Divine unfold abundantly for you in ways you never could have imagined.

August 26, 2023 | Heather Harti, Soul Star Inspired Wellness

If It’s Meant To Be, It Will Find A Way Read More »

Healing Through The Experience

I’m working on healing from past experiences and as much as I move through the memories identifying limiting beliefs and holding myself in love, it isn’t until I am face with a triggering experience again that an opportunity presents to put healing into motion.

It is in the active reaction that you can observe what is happening within you. What belief systems you default to even when you have been working to shift and form new beliefs through your healing process. Acknowledging what e-motions are coming up for you and truly seeing yourself and others through the lens of the observer.

You have a choice in that moment of awareness to continue down the path of old patterns and behaviors or to stop, shift and move forward from your heart with compassion and love.

This happened to me today. I was triggered, unprovoked and I lashed out in anger around past experiences. It wasn’t deserved, it was hurtful and was misplaced. I couldn’t stop myself in the moment even though I was actively observing the experience unfold. I took a moment in private to digest what had just occurred, took full responsibility for my behavior and went directly to face my shame and apologize.

Part of healing is being vulnerable enough to admit when you are wrong and hurtful to others. Being vulnerable with yourself to hold those parts of your being in love. It’s ok to not be perfect in your healing process. Sometimes the greatest change happens in the heart of the moment where we can put into action the tools and perspectives we have gained. Lean into the discomfort of your experiences and embrace the gift of healing they bring

July 21, 2023 | Heather Harti, Soul Star Inspired Wellness

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What If You Choose To Be Who You Are

How many times in life have you made yourself small, dimmed your light or filtered the expression of your authentic self in order to fit in? How often have you moved through life as the shadow of someone else, suppressing all that you are from leading the way? Fear has a way of stopping us from living the life we desire. Conforming to the expectations of others draining the joy from our hearts and the passion from our souls. But what if there was nothing to fear? What if you are exactly what this world needs? What if being your authentic self opened the way to everything you desire? What if you choose to be who you are?

There is only one you and you are exactly who you were designed to be. I invite you to step into all that you are. Follow your heart and chase your dreams. Let go of fear and be free. The choice is yours and I believe in you. Shine friend, shine your beautiful light. The world is a better place because you are here. I love you 💖

June 7, 2023 | Heather Harti, Soul Star Inspired Wellness

What If You Choose To Be Who You Are Read More »

Let Go & Go With The Flow

So often we find ourselves in resistance to surrendering to the Divine. Old programs and beliefs tell us that in doing so we have to give up our choices and our desires. Many hold the belief that to surrender means to live a life in service at the cost of happiness and prosperity.

What if those beliefs are simply an illusion?

What if choosing to surrender to Divine Will actually allows us to have everything and more?

What if the flow of the Divine takes us to a state of joy we never imagined possible?

Our highest potential sits within the heart of the Divine plan. By allowing ourselves to surrender and allow, we don’t have to choose between one or the other. We get to be filled with peace, joy and love while being of service to the light. Practice letting go and shift into wonder as you allow the Divine to guide you to exactly where you need to be in each moment and observe the shift within you as you flow within the light 💖

June 1, 2023 | Heather Harti, Soul Star Inspired Wellness

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The Choice Is Always Yours

In each moment, we actively create our reality which is a reflection of the energy we hold. What you choose to believe will always be true within your reality and the universe will always support what you choose to believe. There is no right or wrong, good or bad. It’s about co-creation and expansion of consciousness through experiences.

If we choose to experience low vibrational pain and disappointment then that is the experience we will have.

If we want to experience something different, then we must shift our perspective.

Choose to create from a different vibration, from a different point of view. Observe your thoughts, they are not who you are but simply energy that flows through your mental body. If it is not filled with unconditional love then it is distortion – an aspect, unresolved karma, a childhood wound, or a limiting belief.

Everything can shift and change at any given moment.

All creation can be transformed.

The choice is always yours.

May 26, 2023 | Heather Harti, Soul Star Inspired Wellness

The Choice Is Always Yours Read More »

How Do You Live Your Spiritual Practice?

How do you live your spiritual practice? As a recovering perfectionist, creating a livable practice meant letting go of the idea that a rigid routine was the only way to be in alignment with the Divine. I found myself facing so much resistance to what I thought I needed to do, when I needed to do it and how it was “supposed” to look. Nothing is more restricting than an expectation filled with should’s and shouldn’ts.

When I let go of the idea that my practice had to look a certain way, I discovered the abundance of opportunities to live my practice in each moment. In choosing to allow the Divine to guide me, my spirituality no longer lived inside of a box but became a blended part of who I am.

After a productive morning around the house, the Divine led me outside to open my pillar of light, connecting deeply with Mother Earth and becoming witness to the Divine plan unfolding around me. Whether you find your self in deep meditation or simply taking a moment to be in gratitude for the abundance in your life, there is always an opportunity available for you to shift back into alignment and to shine your beautiful light.

May 24, 2023 | Heather Harti, Soul Star Inspired Wellness

How Do You Live Your Spiritual Practice? Read More »

Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained

It’s always interesting to see the chariot come up in the position of our obstacles and challenges. Traditionally, the chariot indicates fast, forward motion but what we see here is that the car is parked with decisions needing to be made.

Sometimes we find ourselves getting caught up in our comfort zone, taking a relaxed approach to our goals and dreams. Taking a risk can seem scary when sticking with what you know and what you have always done offers a sense of security. Yet, you may be finding yourself feeling stuck in place, living in the past, or have that nagging feeling as if there has to be more.

The time is now to make that important decision. Growth and expansion doesn’t happen in the comfort zone. Weigh the options and consider taking that risk. Get out of your own way and chase your dreams. Take the steps forward to create the life you desire.

Remember, nothing ventured nothing gained!

May 15, 2023 | Heather Harti, Soul Star Inspired Wellness

Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained Read More »

Into The Light

As we fully emerge from the shadows of winter, the energies we moved through in the darkness rise up as we turn to the light.  This is an emotional time filled with old patterns and beliefs, triggers and reactions coming to the surface to be accepted and held in love as we choose to let go of what no longer serves us so that we can fully embrace the new.  It’s not easy facing your fears and insecurities or the clash of who you once were with who you are becoming.  It takes courage to heal and open yourself to something new.  To surrender and allow the unfolding of the Divine Plan.  

I too have spent the last few months turned inward, allowing myself to sit with pain, fear, uncertainty, confusion, and the parts of myself I am not proud of.  My previous default would be to slip into self judgement and anger but this time, I chose to surrender.  I chose to become the observer of the unresolved energy that I hold.  To let go and allow the discomfort to teach me.  It wasn’t always easy and I definitely wasn’t perfect, but each time I slipped back into old behaviors, there was always an opportunity to try again.  When shifting my perspective to see my experiences from the lens of the Universal Laws, I am reminded that the energy I hold will be what I attract into my life and my external environment is the mirror reflecting those pieces of myself back.  It’s so easy to go into reaction and feel as though everything is happening to me.  When I surrender and allow myself to be held in love, I have the space to become curious.  If this is happening for my highest potential, what is this experience teaching me about myself?  What unresolved karma is surfacing to be healed?  What parts of my being are asking to be embraced?  It is then that I am able to release judgement of others and ultimately, judgement of myself.  By holding a space of compassion for the unresolved parts of my being, I am able to begin healing, creating expansion of my consciousness and my light.

May 7, 2023 | Heather Harti, Soul Star Inspired Wellness

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